Yoga class for weight loss. How to fight obesity yoga

You have decided to get in shape without harming your health. And if you want to do it comfortably, then weight loss yoga classes will be a good choice for you.

A set of exercises, as well as a special life philosophy called yoga, not only helps the body slimmer, more flexible and flexible, but also changes the attitude of life, emotional and psychological state ofyou are in a stressful situation.

Due to such multifaceted effects, many people prefer yoga as one of the most effective ways to lose weight.

How Yoga Against Overweight?

Yoga for weight loss has different characteristics from yoga for staying in shape or yoga for relaxation and psychological relaxation. Such classes include the following main elements:

  • Metabolism in the body is significantly accelerated, helping to improve metabolic processes and fat cells are not stored in reserves but burned many times faster, tooWeight loss process is started. The increase in metabolism is due to a special exercise set called shatkarma. Their main task is to cleanse and ensure the maximum possible supply of oxygen to the cells of the human body. Once you understand the basics of breathing properly in the weight loss yoga class, you can feel light. After that, the right breathing habit became daily.
  • Has a complete revision of diet and dietary habits - one acquires useful skills in eating particularly healthy products, in small portions, most often togetherfor a while, leading to rapid weight loss.
  • Weight loss yoga classes provide the physical activity necessary for the entire body, while not leading to overexertion or exhaustion. It's important to understand that physical activity cannot be completely ruled out, since the most effective calorie burning happens precisely because of exercise. In addition, thanks to weight loss yoga, some muscle groups get blood pumped, the body becomes tense and elastic. Thanks to persistent practice, after a certain period of time you will not only lose the excess weight but also lose the number of centimeters in the areas where you need the body shape.
Weight loss yoga class provides essential physical activity

It should be noted that some muscle groups are difficult to be affected by physical activity, so it is sometimes difficult to lose weight in problem areas. These muscles include the inner thighs or the glutes.

The correct set of exercises while doing yoga will help distribute the load across the whole body accurately and focus precisely on the problem areas most needing to lose weight.

Yoga essential for weight loss

Everyone who decides to lose weight in yoga classes should be mentally prepared that they won't lose weight too quickly, but the results will be sustained over the long term. The unclear effect of the layers is responsible for the simultaneous formation of body masses with weight loss, when toned and tense muscles replace the fat layer. So, in yoga classes for weight loss and on your way to reaching your goals, it's better to notice changes in fitness by clothing and in centimeters, measuring the volume of your waist, hips, and bust. Losing weight on a scale can be delayed.

Professional yoga professionals can help you choose a specific set of exercises for weight loss, if you wish, can replace most strength exercises with stretching exercises, for growthMuscles can slow down significantly. It will be replaced by grace, flexibility, femininity, joint mobility and a general sense of lightness when it comes to weight loss.

If in addition to developing flexibility and losing weight, you also want to gain muscle clarity, you need to pay more attention to endurance training during exercise. Do not forget that yoga classes are always held at a slow pace, harmoniously combining rest time and activity. This is a sign of such exercise - despite general fatigue, you should feel your strength and energy spike after the workout.

When it comes to eating in moderation, most people don't need to put in too much effort to lose weight. Surprisingly, the desire to eat junk food disappeared on its own, and an awareness of the proper nutritional need to lose weight also emerged.

develop flexibility and lose weight

How should you practice yoga? Yoga class for weight loss

Researchers have concluded that doing yoga regularly for weight loss not only brings about temporary results, but also reduces stomach volume, which in turn leads to reduced food intake and strengthens culture. correct nutritional chemistry for a long time. In addition, stress exists in everyone's life, at different levels.

The vast majority of people struggle with their expression by continuously consuming food, even when the feeling of hunger does not appear. For such people, the consumption of starchy foods, sweets is simply important, and such habits will lead to weight gain. In this case, yoga for weight loss is the best option, as it is not only a set of physical exercises but also helps to relieve psychological, thus minimizing the impact of stress on the human body.

Facilities during class:

  • Do not practice yoga on uneven, rough, spiky, or other uncomfortable surfaces. This is best done on smooth surfaces - floors. In the cold season you can use special rugs or impromptu means - soft blankets, beds and blankets.
  • Weight loss sessions must be done on an empty stomach. Eating too much contributes to sleepiness, muscle relaxation and decreased ability to focus.
  • A mild illness, as long as you feel well, is not a reason to skip a session. If there is a more serious health problem - temporary or chronic, classes should be resumed only after consulting a doctor.
  • Pregnancy is not a contraindication to yoga, but in this case it is recommended to apply some special exercises, taking into account the woman's condition and the length of pregnancy. You can use pre-made complexes or if you have a special desire for the load level contact a professional trainer to set up a special program.
  • During lactation, yoga classes for weight loss are also contraindicated. They do not affect the amount of milk, have effects on the general condition of the body, help restore the body after giving birth and lose weight. However, on the question of when it is possible to start classes and how much time passes after the child's birth, it is a purely individual question, which depends on how the birth took placenatural method or by cesarean section method), whether there are complications and other factors. To solve this problem, be sure to seek advice from a gynecologist or obstetrician who gave birth to the baby.

Which yoga exercise is right for your weight loss goal?

a level of physical activity that accompanies each exercise

For those for whom yoga has become a hobby and a way of life, as well as a means of combating extra weight, it is important to remember that its main purpose is to preserve body and strength. healthy is always in good condition.

At the same time, the level of physical activity associated with each exercise will remove excess body fat, and regular exercise will help maintain a stable weight and prevent changes. sudden, sagging skin, unattractive and general appearance. decline in human health.

For the best weight loss yoga classes, you should build their system like this:

  1. Don't find an excuse to skip the exercises and don't shirk it while practicing. It is through persistent effort that you can achieve your goals. At the same time, hard training will lead to desired results and faster weight loss. However, due to age characteristics, medical contraindications and other factors, choosing an individual weight loss program, as reality shows, becomes much more effective than exercise programs. general exercise.
  2. If after losing weight after yoga, you feel pain in any part of your body, you must inform your trainer or even consult your doctor. The reason for this could be an underlying illness, which could become a contraindication to exercises of this type or enhance general physical activity, or improperly performing any of the recommended exercises. . Shortness of breath is the only feeling that can appear after aggressive weight loss exercises or stretching exercises. You can get rid of it by taking a warm bath. Additionally, some people find these feelings pleasant and show that the training is going well and that you are on the right track with your goals.

The main yoga poses and their implications for weight loss:

The curvature of the body
  • is ​​not difficult to perform, but it has a very beneficial effect on the intestinal tract. In turn, improving its permeability has the most favorable effect on metabolism and counteracts the extra weight;
  • standing posture - helps to improve coordination and balance. Thanks to their use, the muscles in the back and abdomen, as well as the spine are strengthened, which contributes to weight loss;
  • lying in reverse position - affects the overall health of the thyroid gland, as well as the back muscles. However, their action is necessarily reduced or balanced with the softer positions involved in the spinal muscles;
  • The
  • inclination in different variations is an essential component of good stretching;
  • Relaxing poses, including meditation, help to reduce stress in all muscle groups and are surprisingly the best during weight loss. You should use these poses not only in exercising a few times a week but also daily at home, this will not only help soothe the emotions that build up in you during the day, but also gently relax the muscles. , giving them the minimum necessary tonality.

Things to keep in mind when doing yoga

If you have no experience with the professionals, weight loss yoga won't be too effective for you, as learning yoga theory often doesn't lead to understanding its fundamentals that you can learn in theIndividual or group training sessions with a coach.

If you have such experience, you can continue to train yourself at home, taking into account all the recommendations received earlier. It should be remembered that yoga is not just a set of physical exercises, but a special way and a set of factors that have a positive effect on results in the form of weight loss. Therefore, when practicing independently, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions:

  • Pleasant temperature, well ventilated room;
  • Comfortable clothes that aren't too tight on your body;
  • No external odor, especially food, which is very common in a home environment. They can keep you focused on your own inner world;
  • No outside noise - TV, phone, kids running and other essential properties of the home environment won't give you a sense of peace and exercise won't be effective, This will affect the achievement of the results and objectives set;
  • You have to make sure that you are doing all the exercises correctly, as otherwise you will not only not be able to achieve your weight loss goals, but also risk harming your health. You should master all the basic yoga poses and your trainer has confirmed the quality of doing them. And don't think that if you don't have anyone watching you at home and don't force you to exercise, you can do it with half strength - it just depends on how much effort you put in to lose weight quickly and maintain the performance. results are achieved in the long run.

Yoga is not only a temporary practice but also a way of life, a healthy habit that you can hardly break. It is done! We recommend that you also read our article on how to lose weight without dieting. See you in the new issue.